


Ailbhe Longmore 正在上课。

红网时刻株洲2月17日讯(通讯员 王佳奕)Ailbhe Longmore来自于爱尔兰,毕业于爱尔兰顶尖学府都柏林大学,在读期间成绩优异曾赴德国留学一年。于2019年10月来株洲市外国语学校担任英语口语老师。


Dear students,

I'm your teacherMs. Ailbhe.I’mnow far away in Ireland, but I’m still concerned about the current epidemicoutbreak in China. I often miss the happy timein Zhuzhou Foreign Language School. Every week, I can not only meet you in oral English class, but also communicate with you intheEnglish corner. Your enthusiasm for English dialogue and thirst for knowledge make me happy and moved! I missall of you very much,and hope you can stay away from the virus and keep healthy in thisepidemic outbreak.



Dear students,we should attach importance tothe prevention of the epidemicoutbreak, but not be too afraid of it. The virus has always been a public enemy of human beings. There have been many outbreaks in human history. No matter how terrible the epidemic is, our human beings has never been defeated. Based on the past experience, the government has taken effective treatment and isolation measures, the pesky virus will begin to decline in a few weeks, and the joy of spring will come as expected.


China is an ancient country with a long history ofcivilization, which has suffered a lotbut still continues to be brilliant. This is not the first time that China has faced the threat of the enemy, nor will it be the last time that China has defeated her enemy. China has spared no effort inidentifyingthe virus quickly and effectively, and has taken unprecedented, extensive and activemeasures to battle against the noval coronavirusafter confirming person-to-person spread, which has also been highly recognizedby the World Health Organization.


I am shocked by the joint effortshown by the Chinese people in fighting against the epidemic. I also admirethe bravery and dedicationof the vast number of Chinese medical staff fighting in the frontline of the battle against the epidemic!


On behalf of myself, my family and friends who love the friendly country, China ,I would like to express my best wishes and support to China. The virus is a public enemy of human beings, and to take a win in the battle against the noval coronavirus as early as possible is a goal shared by the world.


Support China! Support Wuhan! Looking forward to coming backtosee you lovely studentsin the school!









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